January 26, 2022

Exciting Travel Trends for 2022

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A bright and beautiful new year is here, and unlike the last two years, in which travel was put on the backburner and treated as some kind of distant memory, 2022 already looks set to be a truly exciting one for all the travellers who have been day dreaming about their next trip!

To mark this new, and hopefully peaceful, year there are all sorts of exciting trends that look set to dominate the travel industry. From planning and indulging in that once in a lifetime trip, to just enjoying those regular, invigorating weekend’s away, there is something for every travelling preference in this list.

Private tours are going to become a (bigger) thing

Private holidays, and especially private safaris, have always suited a more particular crowd of people, generally those who had the budget for it. But in light of the COVID pandemic and all of the social changes we’ve seen since then, it is no surprise that in the coming year, many a traveller is going to steer clear of the large groups and instead opt for a private experience. Health concerns aside, this is actually a pretty amazing thing, because a private trip is something that can feel a lot more exclusive and such a trip will definitely become something that you treasure for the rest of your life.

Custom tours will also be a big deal

The further we progress forward in the world, the more attached we become to the desire to be treated as the individuals we are. While a packaged holiday is easy and convenient and will in many cases tick off a lot of the things you hoped to see, there is something quite special about organising your very own custom tour.

Deciding exactly where you go, what you do and what you see, is a guarantee that by the time your holiday comes to an end, you would have had the kind of holiday you’ll hold dear in your memories for the rest of your life.

Travel local

While overseas locations are without a doubt a worthwhile trip, South Africa is a scenic destination like no other. We have everything right here at home; waterfalls, mountains, bushveld, and beaches. So whatever kind of holiday you are in the mood for can be experienced here.

2022 is going to be a year of travelling local and supporting local. One of the first places you should head to on your local holiday should be the Kruger National Park. And to make your stay in the Kruger even more memorable, you should book your stay at luxury Kruger Park accommodation, like ours at Kambaku.

A year to complete a bucket list adventure

Another trend for 2022 is going to be that once in a lifetime adventure. If this is the year that you hope to tick something off of your bucket list, then make sure that you plan properly for it. After 2 years of not being able to spread your wings, this year is the perfect opportunity to do just that.